Location, New Hampshire, United States

Scholarly Publications

Francis Xavier Tuokuu, PhD




  • Idemudia, U., Tuokuu, F.X.D., Essah, M., & Graham, E. (2022). Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Development in Africa: Issues and Prospects. In U. Idemudia, FX.D. Tuokuu & T.A. Liedong (eds.), “Business and Sustainable Development in Africa: Medicine or Placebo?” (Chapter 4), Routledge.


  • Amponsah-Tawiah, K. & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2017). Effects of Dwindling Gold Prices on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Performance in Ghana’s Mining Sector. In S. O. Idowu, S. Vertigans & A. B. Schiopoiu (eds.), “Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis: Practices and Cases from Europe, Africa and the World” (Chapter 12, pp. 229–246). London: Springer.



  • Adam, S., Suleman, S., & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2021). Quest for Energy Transition: The Role of Renewable Energy Development in Ghana, Oil, Gas & Energy Law, 19(3), (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X).


  • Adams, M.A., Kayira, J., Gruber, J., Idemudia, U., Tegegne, Y.T., Attah, A.N., Tuokuu, F.X.D., & Ansong, M. (2021). Good Governance Practices in Ghana’s VPA process: An Application of Q-Methodology, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 23(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2020.1784116.


  • Dowuona-Hammond, C., Atuguba, R.A., & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2020). The Child Labor Quagmire in Ghana: Root Causes and Ephemeral, Business and Human Rights Journal, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1017/bhj.2020.29


  • Dramani, B., Tuokuu, F.X.D., Suleman, S., Ackah, I., & Apenu, G. (2020). Ghana’s Energy Access Journey so far: A Review of Key Strategies, International Journal of Energy Sector Management, (15)1,139–156. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJESM-02-2020-000.


  • Graham, E., Gyampo, R., & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2020). A Decade of Oil Discovery in Ghana: Implications for Politics and Democracy Ghana Social Science Journal, 17(1), 31–57.



  • Tuokuu, F.X.D., Idemudia, U., Bawelle, B.E.G., & Sumani, J.B.B. (2020). Criminalization of ‘Galamsey’ and Livelihoods in Ghana: Limits and Consequences, Natural Resources Forum, 44(1), 52–65. https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-8947.12189.


  • Atuguba, R. A., & Tuokuu, F.X.D. (2020). Ghana’s Renewable Energy Agenda: Legislative Drafting in Search of Policy Paralysis, Energy Research and Social Sciences, 64, 101453, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2020.101453.


  • Atuguba, R.A., Tuokuu, F.X.D., & Gbang, V.K. (2020). Statelessness in West Africa: An Assessment of Stateless Populations and Legal, Policy, and Administrative Frameworks in Ghana, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 8(1), 14–31. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2331502419900771.  


  • Tuokuu, F.X.D., Idemudia, U., Gruber, J. & Kayira, J. (2019). Linking Stakeholder Perspectives for Environmental Policy Development and Implementation in Ghana’s Gold Mining Sector: Insights from a Q-methodology Study. Environmental Science and Policy Journal, 97, 106–115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2019.03.015.


  • Tuokuu, F.X.D., Idemudia, U., Gruber, J., & Kayira, J. (2019). Identifying and Clarifying Environmental Policy Best Practices for the Mining Industry–A Systematic Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 222, 922–933. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.111.


  • Tuokuu, F.X.D. & Kpinpuo, S.D., & Hinson, R.E. (2019). Sustainable Development in Ghana’s Gold Mines: Clarifying the Stakeholder’s Perspective. Journal of Sustainable Mining, 18, 77–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsm.2019.02.007.


  • Ackah, I., Osei, E., Tuokuu, F.X.D., & Bobio, C. (2019). Oiling the Wheels of sub-National Development: An Overview of Development Plan Implementation in the Western Region of Ghana. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6(2), 343–357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2018.12.002.


  • Tuokuu, F.X.D., Gruber, J.S., Idemudia, U., & Kayira, J. (2018). Challenges and Opportunities of Environmental Policy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from Ghana’s Gold Mining Sector. Resources Policy, 59, 435–445 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2018.08.014.



  • Tuokuu, F.X.D. & Amponsah-Tawiah, K. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility: Is It an Alternative to Government? Journal of Global Responsibility, 7(1), 26–38 https://doi.org/10.1108/JGR-05-2015-0007.