Dr. Francis Xavier Tuokuu is a Lecturer in Sustainability at Bournemouth University, UK. His research and professional interests include; environmental and energy policy, clean energy, sustainability and CSR, Business and human rights.
He has authored and co-authored several scientific papers which have appeared in prominent journals, including Journal of Cleaner Production, Resources Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, Environmental Science & Policy, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, The Extractive Industries and Society, Business and Human Rights Journal, Natural Resources Forum, Journal of Sustainable Mining, Journal of Global Responsibility, SAGE Open, Journal on Migration and Human Security, International Journal of Energy Sector Mgt., Ghana Social Science Journal, and International Journal of Business and Social Science. He has published one book chapter and currently working on two co-edited books. Francis is also a Reviewer for seven leading international journals, including Resources Policy and International Journal of Corporate social Responsibility.